Saturday, October 02, 2004

An Undergraduate Mathematics Curriculum

The indispensable lower division core consists of the following three courses.

A standard problem in all mathematics curricula is how to transition from lower-division problem-based courses such as the three above to the upper-division proof-based courses. The following trio of books accomplishes this quite well.

The following constitute the standard trio of upper-division courses that all mathematics majors should cover to be considered mathematically mature (as well as mathematically literate).

Some standard elective courses in the area of applied mathematics are the following.

Some standard elective courses in the area of pure mathematics are the following.

One topic that is seldom covered in the undergraduate curriculum is geometry. This course is required for most mathematics education majors, but not mathematics majors. This is a shame since this course, even though it doesn't lead into any of the major fields of mathematics research, provides a most insightful foray into how an axiomatic mathematical system should function. I found it utterly fascinating and am very glad I took the opportunity to include it in my coursework.

1 comment:

ALD said...

I'd throw in History of Mathematics by Howard Eves, although that's probably for after-school reading rather than an actual 3-credit course.