Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Differential Equations & Linear Algebra

With all the questionable innovations which are accepted in mathematics education whole-heartedly, there is one innovation in undergraduate mathematics which seems natural and extremely useful but has never caught on ... the integration of differential equations and linear algebra for college freshmen and sophomores after the completion of the introductory calculus sequence.

While there are many excellent textbooks for both of these subjects, there are obvious synergies between the two topics which can only be exploited by combining their teaching into one course. In fact, many professors believe (and I agree) that these two subjects must be integrated if they are to be properly understood since their intricate interaction is where all of the action is.

Some of the excellent texts which take this integrated approach are:
Introduction to Linear Algebra and Differential Equations by John Dettman
Differential Equations and Linear Algebra by Edwards & Penney (includes a lot of Matlab stuff)
Differential Equations and Linear Algebra by Jerry Farlow et al
Linear Algebra and Differential Equations by Peterson & Sochacki
Linear algebra & differential equations: An integrated approach by Charles Cullen

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